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​​​Harshal Bulsara: AWS solution Architect - Assocaite 

How to prepare for AWS certification exam?

Hello friends, today we are gonna discuss how to get prepared for AWS certification before that we need to understand the type of exams which are offered by AWS

The above diagram shows us different exam which include:

AWS Solution Architect - Associate AWS DevOps - Associate AWS SysOps - Associate

AWS Solution Architect - Professional AWS DevOps - Professional

In this blog, we will discuss AWS solution Architect - Associate, the professional level required altogether different level of experience and in-depth knowledge of AWS services.

1) Major services - EC2, VPC, and S3: The exam will revolve around these services, which also include questions on load balancers, auto-scaling, security groups, placement group, routing and Elastic IPs etc.

Around 50% to 60% of the question can be expected from these services.

2) Secondary services - RDS, DynamoDB, IAM, SES, SNS, SQS, Cloud watch, Cloud Trail, Route53: Apart from the primary services other questions revolve around above services, the question normally would not be too deep on these services but it will check whether you have a basic understanding of the service or not.

Around 30 to 40% of the question can be expected from these services

3) Advanced services - RedShift, Kinesis, Directory services, Trusted advisor, Elastic cache: Few question would be from above services, usually the question would be when these services are useful so it's good practice to know an overview of the service.

Around 5% to 10% of the question can be expected from these services

Apart from the practical implementation, Amazon has documented everything properly that can be referred, the FAQ section and White papers would be a good material too before going for the exam.

Again these are the patterns that I and few of my colleagues have noticed and it might vary, feel free to add your experiences in comments below and I can include that in the blog as well :)

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