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​​​Harshal Bulsara: AWS solution Architect - Assocaite 

Zabbix Auto-Registration

Today we are gonna talk about how we will auto-register a server in the Zabbix, in today's world we can see that requirements grow very fast, to cope up with these changes we have to provide a highly scalable, available infrastructure. Cloud technologies are booming in the market which allow us to leverage these benefits, there are many cloud providers in the market the big guns are Amazon Web services, Microsoft Azure, VMware and many other small players which are trying to come up with different cloud solution.

In Cloud, auto-scaling is a very important feature which allows us to add/remove servers based on the current traffic load, if we have a very large infrastructure we need to monitor all the servers for that we use tools like Zabbix, Nagios, Splunk etc. Today we will see an important feature of Zabbix which allow us to add the server when it is added without human interaction (auto-scaling). There are few steps that we need to follow to auto-register a server to Zabbix.

Step 1: Enable Auto discovery in Zabbix, Login to the corresponding Zabbix console. Go to Zabbix console → Configuration → Discovery

and enable the discovery option

Step 2: Configure an action, which will register new host, Go to Zabbix console → Configuration → Action and Create new action

2.1: Add Name for the action

2.2: Add conditions for auto registering the host

2.3: Add what operation we need to do which on the action, Click Add

After adding this action, you should see the action you have created with enabled mode.

Step 3: Your agent that needs to be monitored should have following information in zabbix_agent.conf file:

Server= <IP Address of the Zabbix Server>

ServerActive= <IP Address of the Zabbix Server>

HostMetadata=<Meta data that you have specified while adding action>

Step 4: Restart zabbix-agent service

# sudo service zabbix-agent restart

Thats it we should see zabbix host will get automatically added in the server.

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